Photo Description
White and pure as these silk scarves ‘khadars’
So are our thoughts and prayers for your safe passage, until we meet again
‘Tashi Delek’ Good wishes
In the olden days and to this day, in some parts of Bhutan, the tradition to wish and pray for the ones journeying far is done by the ones staying behind, mostly women, by way of waving the khadars, till the last person disappears from the horizon.
This artwork installation is a tribute to the Nuns of Bhutan, who continue to play a significant role in the spiritual well being of our country
Photo Specification
Dimension: 450X350 cm
Medium: Photograph
Price: Nu. 20,000/-
About the Photographer
A 42 year old self-professed photographer ,
Passionately into photography,
For a bit more than a decade.
Love the mountains,
Love the trees,
Love the rivers,
Love everything through the viewfinder.
A thousand photographs ,
And a thousand more to go,
Before i sleep.
Born 1977, from Thimphu

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