Photo Description
Just like any snowflakes , Tigers Nest popularly known as Taktshang Monastery in Bhutan is one of a Kind in the world.
It was 29th December 2021 when me and my better half just took this challenging 3 hour hike to the Tigers Nest. The hefty snowfall didn’t daunt us but rather comforted us to one of the most blissful , amazing hike among the juniper forest to a monastery that was located at 3100 meters above sea level.
It was even more magical to realize that we were the only souls that were crazy to hike in the 1.5 feet snow on that day. It became more enchanting once i arrived at the top and realized that i was the only person at that moment in this whole wide world to photograph the Tigers Nest in the falling snowflakes.
In times to come , i will be taking a series of Photographs of this 16th century monastery and will be minting it for collectors. I hope my pictures will bring joy and happiness even to people who stumble through it.
Tashi Delek.
Photo Specification
Dimension: 92×136 cm
Medium: Photograph
Price: Nu. 30,000/-
About the Photographer
A 42 year old self-professed photographer ,
Passionately into photography,
For a bit more than a decade.
Love the mountains,
Love the trees,
Love the rivers,
Love everything through the viewfinder.
A thousand photographs ,
And a thousand more to go,
Before i sleep.
Born 1977, from Thimphu

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