Choephi Lham

Art Description

Choepi Lhamo are khandros of offerings who show us the importance of practising the act of offering as one of the best ways to gain merit. Traditionally a group of either eight or sixteen offering goddesses are included in the retinues of many Buddhist deities. They are bodhisattvas who strive for enlightenment through their immense compassion towards sentient beings stuck with unclear minds and souls in samsara. Their true goal is to guide us to the pure nature of our mind. These goddesses are commonly placed upon a raised red platform that surrounds the five-coloured walls of a mandala palace. When a group of sixteen goddesses are listed, four of them are goddesses of music.

Artwork Specification
Title: Choephi Lham
Year: 2020
Dimension: 90X274 cm
Medium: Sculpture
Group Work By: Dawa Penjor, Sangay Tshewang and Sonam Wangdi
Price: Not For Sale

About the Artist

Dawa Penjor:

I joined the National Institute for Zorig Chusum in 1998 since I did not get the opportunity to go to an academic school, I opted for the art school where academic marks did not matter at that time. I am a sculptor, to keep the traditional technique of sculpting alive and to revive the ones that are on the verge of extinction.

Born 1978, from Paro

Dawa Penjor

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Sangay Tshewang:

I joined the National Institute of Zorig Chusum in 2001. I have been interested in arts and crafts since childhood. My skills in clay and sculpting is what I have always been able to hone. I believe that when one sculpts or creates a work of art, the belief in spirituality could be made more aware of. 

Born 1987, from Wangdue

Sangay Tshewang

Connect with the Artist

Sonam Wangdi:

I joined the National Institute of Zorig Chusum in the year 2000 as I did not get the opportunity to attend a formal school. I always believed in spirituality and wanted to create works of art mostly on statues of the enlightened beings. I would like people who see my work to change their notion of spirituality, and see the 3D view of how the enlightened ones would have looked like. Even if a non-religious viewer sees it he could appreciate the form of expression. I want to create more to make people  believe in a higher power.

Born 1987, from Lhuentse

Sonam Wangdi

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