The Himalayan Woman

Art Description

I chose to use acrylics for this painting. I decided to paint this particularly to portray how beautiful and peaceful Bhutan is. When people talk about Bhutan, they think about mountains and happiness, and to present this, I painted a smiling woman milking a yak in a mountainous region. My sole aim for this painting is to touch the hearts of everyone who sees it and give them a cold yet happy feeling about Bhutan.

Artwork Specification
Title: The Himalayan Woman
Year: 2020
Dimension: 150×150 cm
Medium: Acrylic
Price: Not For Sale

About the Artist

Art was a part of my life from a very young age but only from 2017, was I privileged to become a member of VAST. I used watercolors when I was little, but now, VAST Bhutan has introduced me to many mediums such as acrylic, charcoal, water color, sand and glue.

Born 2000, from Lhuentse

Dechen Dorji (Pala)

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